Road trip day 11-12

Day 11: After having a disappointing pizza the previous night, our breakfast this morning made up for it. We stopped at this one man stop shop called Shoestring Cafe. He made all of our breakfast is by himself and even recommended some cool spots to us. We bonded with him over the fact that we were all from Southern California. I love finding people who are familiar with your hometown while on the road, it’s just another way that brings us all together. After what felt like a delicious home-cooked meal, we walked off our food on a nearby beach. Now I've been to my fair share of beaches, the only difference is beaches down south are perfect for activities and sunshine. Well northern beaches are good for bundled strolls and adventures, since it's pretty rocky and cold. We also learned a new term called a rogue wave, which is a wave that basically has a mind of its own and contains logs. It makes sense because there's so many trees in Driftwood always wondered how or where they went. But thinking about swimming in an ocean filled with giant logs that could take you out any second doesn't sound too inviting.

We stopped at a few incredible spots this day. The second was the cove that just kept getting better and better. As you walked down the trail it looked as if you were in Thailand or some Asian Island. The combination of the rock islands, the fog, and the waterfall leading to the ocean all need this place is so beautiful. I’m not sure these pictures do it justice.

The next spot we went to was somewhere I always wanted to go to because I always see it on Instagram. So I'm happy we all wanted to stop here. At first we were a little frustrated since the fog has rolled in but by the time we were leaving we got to admire the sun shining on the cliffs. I'm definitely going to have to make my way back here at some point, I mean it truly felt like it was straight from the fairytale.

After spending quite a bit of time here we stopped by some of the prettiest redwood trees I've seen. Add this point we were just trying to make it to a town to spend one more night in. We took the scenic route through the woods which I won't lie it was absolutely amazing. After being on the road for so long and seeing lots of freeways, cars, and signs, it was nice to get off of the beaten trail. We made it to Brookings and grabbed a beer before settling in for the night.

Day 12: our last day driving down the coast at one point we cut inland to the 101 to try and make up some time. Along the way we stopped by a tree you could drive through. After five hours we made it to Petaluma to grab a beer at the infamous brewery Lagunitas. This is the area I went to college in so I was very familiar with what to do and where to go. At this point we did part ways with one of the Emma's. The other Emma and I ended up meeting up with one of my old roommate from college who let us stay at their house. It's always so much fun to catch up with old friends especially if you haven't seen them in a minute. After that we made our way home which concludes this amazing road trip.


Road trip day 8-10

Day 8: Since we did a strenuous hike the day before we kind of had a leisurely morning. We got up slowly made some breakfast and coffee and just kind of chilled out. The girls did a little stroll through the campgrounds while Ceejay went to find service and Brandon edited. When we came back Ceejay said his girlfriend was sick and had to leave that day. We decided to get one more little group hike in before he took off to the airport. Here are some images from our cute little walk to another waterfall. I really liked this waterfall mainly because you could actually get super close to it. We took some cool pictures but this time we had kind of an audience of adults watching us. They were nervous because we were getting so close to the waterfall but yet we were still very safe.

Once we said goodbye to Ceejay we headed to the coast. We wanted to make it to this one spot however, it's on a reservation and due to Covid they were only letting people who lived there in. It wasn't that much of a bummer since we had a really pretty drive out there, we stopped and explored some of the beaches and enjoyed the Canadian mountain range in the distance. At this point in time our trip itinerary was kind of up in the air. After exploring the coast line for a little bit we drove back to our campsite for some dinner and s'mores.

Day 9: Woke up and made breakfast and coffee per usual. These trips really enhance your caffeine addiction let's just say that. Since our plans were up in the air and the weather was finally fitting the area. I feel like we got lucky the whole trip since we had mostly sunny days and this was one of the two days that it had rained. There was talk of hiking to a beach campsite but since the weather wasn't in our favor we decided to split up again. Brie and Brandon went off to camp while the two Emmas and I started to slowly make our way home. This part of the trip is mostly enjoying the views out the window as we made our way down the coast. We made it to Seaside and stayed in this really cute motel that night. While we were at dinner we decided it would be fun to go get some drinks somewhere so we ended up finding this really interesting dive bar.

Day 10: I'm sure you can guess what we did first thing in the morning, we went and got a coffee. Our group at one point had 6 to 7 people and now we were down to just us three girls, so that meant a little more of a leisurely drive. We took her coffee and walked over to Cannon Beach. This is probably one of my favorite beaches up north since it's so unique. Peep my comfy fit lol I’m not always that stylish.

Emma Merritt acted as our tour guide from here on out since she has done the drive down the coast before. We stopped at this super cool cliffside view, which literally looked like we were in another country. Once we enjoy the views and took some pictures of each other we continued our drive down. Now if you're a big fan of cheese, and ice cream then you've probably heard of the company Tillamook. Well it just so happened that we were on route to pass the Tillamook factory, so of course we decided to stop and enjoy some grilled cheeses and ice cream. I have to say that was probably the best grilled cheese ever. If you get a chance to stop here I recommend checking it out, I guess when Covid isn't happening they also hand out cheese samples.

After some yummy food we continued to make our way down the coast stopping at another incredible spot that I would never have found by myself. I have to say the northern coast line is truly unique, every spot we went to looks straight out of a story or movie.

Road trip day 7

Day 7: We woke up early to catch the ferry out of Seattle so we wouldn't have to drive as much. Once we crossed we ate at this adorable place called the Madison Diner. If you like vintage feeling breakfast joints then I’d say go here. Part of us split up at this point to go on this hike to the top of a mountain. I was nervous because I had previously gotten Covid last year and since then my lungs haven't been the same even though I had a mild case. I knew I could do it if I just walked a slower pace I was just afraid of holding up the group.

One of the Emma's went to go set up our camp for the rest of us embarked on this journey to the top. I was right I walked slower than the rest but still kept a decent pace which I'm not upset about. At one point I almost joined in with another group of girls since we had similar pieces we kind of had a tug-of-war going on, where I would pass them and they would pass me and so on. Eventually we got to the part with the ropes where the trail gets crumbly and narrow. It really isn't that bad if you have good shoes and you hold onto the rope. The top was a lot more narrow than I thought it would be. We need up meeting other content creators up there too so that was a fun little surprise. We all talked, ate some snacks and huddled up since it was pretty windy up there. It was honestly so beautiful especially because you could see some of the Canadian mountain ranges in the distance. But we all waited for sunset/golden hour to come before we became little ants running around on this mountaintop scrambling to do different things in the 10 minute window we had before the light was gone. The girls I sort of packed up with were nearby drinking wine thoroughly entertained they all of us taking photos. The last image one of me is by Albert @alberthbyang

Once the good light was down Ceejay and I decided to head down. I personally wanted to do the rope section when we still had some lasting light. I also recommend going down the rope section like it's a ladder sitting upright using the rope to support you. Anyways since most of the trail is at an incline, the way down felt like we were running down the whole time. At one we heard this weird noise and I swear it sounded like a vibrating phone and I felt bad for someone losing it so I went looking for it. As I got closer to the noise it started to run away and we realized it was some sort of animal but we couldn't figure out what made that creepy noise.

Eventually because we walk slow and because it was so hard to see the trail at on point, the rest of the group caught up to us but we were only like five minutes from the trail head.

We parted ways with our new friends as we headed back to the campsite that Emma stayed to set up. Since we got there when it was dark we basically ate dinner and went to bed shortly afterwards. Here’s a picture of our camp site in the morning.

Road trip day 4-6

Day 4: We got up for sunrise to meet up with our other friends. It was definitely an exciting reunion since we’ve been traveling with each other a lot recently. We hung out and shot around Smith Rock. I think all of us were pretty tired so we decided to stay close to the parking lot. We made some coffee and shared stories about the first few days. Next we went into Bend to get some food and more coffee of course. Emma and I explored the town and found the cutest outdoorsy shop called Scout and Pine.

After regrouping we all caravanned out to a campground one of us knew about. We made once stop along the way to this boardwalk area surrounded by hills covered in fossilized soil. We stretched our feet and ate some snacks before getting back in our cars. At this point we had no service so stopping was our way of communication. I’d highly recommend if you have multiple cars on a road trip brings some walkie talkies. Once the nice paved road ended it took us awhile to reach our spot. Factoring in the drive it took us to get to our campsite we decided to just set up versus try and find somewhere to shoot. I don’t think any of us truly minded since we are right next to a river, which is absolutely gorgeous. Once we felt a little bit more organized we started the fire, made some food, and swapped stories. We had an early night since our plan was to make it to these specific hills by sunrise.


Day 5: we got up around 5/5:30 AM packed everything up, loaded the car, and started heading to our next spot. Now one thing that I've learned on my many content trips over the years has been, a photographers love for sunrise. On every trip there's always at least one sunrise shoot. This usually entails getting up at ungodly hours depending on how far away you are from your location because of course, you have to factor in the drive time as well. Also depending on where you are maybe the mountains might block the sun for a little bit, or like us in the situation we had to pack up a whole tent at 5am. For me, I also have to look somewhat decent because I know I will most likely be in the subject of some of these images. So I'm usually doing my makeup in the front seat on bumpy, windy, roads half asleep. Anyways just to show you the difference in light, the first image is from my phone before we left to our next spot . The other images are taken by my friend Brandon (@goodenouf) just as the sun was coming up.

After making coffee and enjoying the scenery a little we left to make a stop at Mount Hood, while on our way to Portland. So apparently they don't typically plow the snow on the road to our location, so that means we had to hike our way in. It wasn't bad except there was definitely a layer of snow which made it a lot slipperier and some of us didn't have the correct shoes. I luckily brought these super nice weather resistant boots that Luggz gave me. I’ll link them below. After about 2 miles we made and to the frozen lake, where we took pictures, ate snacks and made bird friends.


Once we got to the Airbnb we changed out of our hiking clothes and went to grab some food nearby. We found this cute Thai place with the best food and cocktails called Farmhouse kitchen Thai cuisine. A new friend Emma also met up with us

Day 6: Woke up to load the cars and then of course get coffee as the first stop. Next we went the toursity route and stopped by Multnomah falls. If you go anywhere in Oregon be sure to at least stop there, I mean its right off the road so its hard to miss. We took some photos here and one more spot along the way to Seattle.
Also peep the long exposure from my iPhone.. not too shabby even though its not the best quality. Emma and I started a series we like to call levitate haha so you may see a few more like that.

Here’s a viewpoint we stopped at for some more pictures and to stretch our legs. It’s by the Colombia river gorge. Enjoy some of these candids I captured.

From Oregon to Seattle, WA its about 4 hours so back into the car we went. I can’t stress this enough but make sure you have some solid playlists downloaded to someones phone so when you lose service you don't lose the music too. Or you can just take turns playing music depending on whose driving.

At this point the two cars split up, we went to the public market to walk around an experience that area. We ended up eating at Pink Door where I had some delicious mussels and garlic bread. I had an early night that night since I knew we were doing a long hike the next day.

Road trip Day 1-3

Day 1: Like they always say the early bird gets the worm but in our case the early bird gets up at 3 AM to avoid the LA traffic. If you're from anywhere in California I'm sure you'll understand that. But yes two of my friends and I took off super early just so we could make it to San Francisco before the afternoon. If you don't follow me on Instagram (@carlybelle_) then I'm sure you're wondering where the heck are we're going. Mind you San Francisco was just one stop on our what ended up to be 14 day road trip. Our trip itinerary looked something like this stop in San Francisco to break up the drive a little bit on our way to Portland and eventually Washington state. Of course we explored the areas we stopped in.

Now when we got to the Bay Area it was cold and rainy which isn't that surprising. However, we had plans to make our way out to the Coast. Feeling a little discouraged we decided to send it anyways hoping the weather would improve on our way. Well our wish was granted and by the time we reached Point Reyes lighthouse it was a sunny beautiful day with next to nothing winds. If you've been to Point Reyes like I have, then you know how windy it can typically get, I'm talking ears ringing when you get back in the car windy. Anyways, we had a wonderful day shooting around the coast before we ended our night by grabbing some Sol Food. If you're ever in the San Rafael area I will always always recommend stopping at Sol Food, its probably my favorite restaurant in California. I’ll link it here to make it easier!

Day 2: Another early morning as we make our way slowly up to Portland. We stopped in Shasta along the way to get some of that good healing energy. If you didn’t know Mount Shasta is the root chakra of the world so whenever you're in the area typically people feel a lot more grounded and you tend to manifest things a lot faster. So if you're ever there be mindful of your thoughts. We all definitely noticed to feel some type of way for the few hours we were there. I then took my friends to my favorite crystal shop Soul Connections and got some fun souvenirs. Peep our shirts below.

We stopped at a waterfall which used to be my favorite but I think another one took its place on this trip. More on that later. Also for the safety and preservation of some of my favorite locations, I will not be naming them. I do not wish to overcrowd them unless I know it will be treated the same way I treat these special spots. Feel free to message me if you're ever curious about one.

I truly believe we lucked out with the weather again because it wasn’t freezing yet we had just enough sun to keep us without jackets. Once we refueled ourselves and the car we were on our way again. Originally, we wanted to make it to Portland but instead settled for Albany. Also for the majority of this trip I used an app called Hotel Tonight to book our last minute hotels. Use my code CHAINES46 for $25 off your next stay. Not sponsored I just appreciate the low rates and wanted to save you all some money.

Day 3: We got to semi sleep in and move a little slower. I think everyone needs some days to really soak up the environment they're in. When I look back at this day we actually crammed a lot into it. We went a waterfall in the morning probably my favorite one now! We even caught a little rainbow action. I have to say being up North really make you appreciate all the different shades of green, from the deep green trees to the more vibrant moss, its just beautiful.

After taking lots of pictures we decided to hike 3.5 miles to this amazing blue pool! Yes it’s actually that color but mind you the water is about 38°F. We debated how it looked like blue gatorade or food coloring. After admiring this gem we hiked back for our next mission. Here’s some images Ceejay (@ceejay.t) took of me there.

Lastly, we were on a mission of finding some natural hot springs. We had one in mind but a ranger told us it would be washed out so we asked around an went to the next closest one. The sun was setting so we didn’t have much time but we found the parking lot and sort of guessed/followed the trail for some time. We almost gave up, but Emma and I heard voices right before we found the pools. There were a few hippies (some nude mind you) but honestly I loved talking to them. One told us the history of the hot springs which I thought to be rather interesting. Supposedly the natives tribes-5 in total- fought over the land. Rather than kill each other they made fires and agreed whosever fire went out last would get the land. This went on for 39 days and on the 40th one of the biggest rainstorms hit, drowning the 5 fires, and thus creating the 5 pools. So each one of the 5 tribes got part of the land. Mother Nature has a way of working things out.

Mother Nature


We all remember that unforgettable day when we entered womanhood. Mine just so happened to be on a warm sunny day in middle school. Now if we all recall middle school was a very awkward time in our lives, especially for me. I was friends with an odd mix of personalities, we were all so different from one another. But at the time, we were so into anime and learning Japanese. Feels like I was a whole different person back then. But I remember distinctly that day was definitely a challenge. Luckily it was on a day I did not have PE or any physical education or else my story would’ve ended way worse. Props to all the ladies who had embarrassing or traumatic first experiences. 

It was the end of the day when I was hopping onto the school bus which I hated taking. The bus was such an interesting environment, if you sat too close you were a nerd, if you sat in the back you were “too cool for school,” so I always sat in the middle. Safe bet right. Luckily, I was also wearing darker shorts that day and one of my favorite tops. I recall the whole ride home being so excruciatingly painful I couldn’t figure out if I was just starving or if something was internally wrong with me. I knew I ate that day so it wasn’t likely that I was hungry. Every time the bus stopped it felt like an eternity. Now I’m sure all my ladies understand the first time you experience menstrual cramps can be quite an experience. I was sitting there alone trying to massage my stomach, an poke at it, you know without being too noticeable. I didn’t want anyone to know I was in that much pain especially since I was only about 10 minutes from my house. Not to be overdramatic but the first time you have cramps you really feel like your dying or need hospitalization. 


Of course the bus always took the weirdest path to drop every kid off. When I finally got to the top of my street I bolted for the doors. Luckily I only had a short walk down this very steep hill in order to get to my house. While I was walking I noticed a dripping feeling and thought oh that’s odd. I immediately went to the bathroom when I got home not knowing what was wrong with me. When I pulled my pants down and saw the bright crimson red on my underwear it all made sense. I did what any middle school girl did at the time and yelled to my mom for help. Obviously we had all watched that video in middle school about getting your period but no one knows what to do that second. I really sure what I would've done if my mom wasn’t home.


When I told her I was bleeding she wasn’t worried she more just congratulated me which kind of confused me even more. I knew what a period was an how it was a big deal I just didn’t expect praise. She handed me a pad and explained how to use it.  

When I emerged from the bathroom I went to lie down in my room. My mom brought me some chocolate which instantly made me feel better. 

Those cramps were definitely pretty painful ones and from then on all my periods were so extremely painful I’d throw up from some of them sometimes. 

Those experiences lead need to get on birth control at a pretty young age in order to help manage my symptoms and keep me in school. 

Fast forward to my 25-year-old self, now I have pretty manageable periods. And I have even done many of my photoshoots while on my period. Other than my subtle mood swings I don’t think anyone really notices. I just make sure on those days I don’t wear white.   

#ItsNormalPeriod @Plan_USA

Mammoth/Yosemite road trip

Imagine you’re in a group chat with a few friends. One of them says “hey I have a cabin in Mammoth, do you guys want all go up there?” Over the next few days all the planning commences. About two days before the trip I convince one of our friends Ceejay to get out of work and come with us. I asked Brie how many her cabin sleeps and she tells me eight people. We decided it would be a fun idea to surprise them all. As we were approaching the cabin I have Ceejay crawl into the backseat of my car and my bestie Emma hop into the front. We pull up to the cabin and they help us start unloading the car, that’s when Ceejay pops his head out from the backseat. Brie was so surprised and happy to see Ceejay, she gives him the biggest bear hugs. she was definitely not expecting him to be there. And so the weekend and adventure began. 

Brie and Brandon help us get everything into the house they tell us their other friend Andrew will also be joining us with his super sick 1985 Bronco he just got. We all get super excited because as content creators working with an old classic adventure vehicle is always a fun opportunity. To give a little backstory this is what we love to do, travel to places with our group of friends, take photos, and just enjoy the planet we live on. 

Once somewhat settled we start planning our weekend, we we decide to hit the hot springs that night and since Mammoth is pretty close to Yosemite we added it to the list. 

That night we got to the hot springs shot a couple photos before enjoying a nice soak with some June shine. It felt so nice to unwind after a long day of driving. The hardest part was definitely getting out and running to the car damp an in the cold dark mountain air. 

We spent the entire next day exploring the Mammoth area complementary of Brie and Brandon, thank you for being a tour guides. 

Now I’ve been on a few trips with other creatives and it’s always so hard when the group doesn’t flow or mesh right, however this is definitely the ultimate travel and adventure crew. We're all down for pretty much anything. You never know what’s gonna happen on these trips so you always have to expect the unexpected. More on that later. Anyways, we have a wonderful day and watch the sunset over the lake with surprise, more June shine. 

It was an early night since we decided to wake up for sunrise in order to make it to Yosemite on time. After a sticky car situation trying to figure out how, who, and what cars will be going since we all couldn’t fit in one. Andrew says he’ll take his bronco, we’re all a little uneasy about that since it’s 36 years old but he knows his car. 

As soon as my alarm goes off in the I'm already fully prepared for it to be a cold morning. We layer up, load the cars, get some coffee and our systems, and off we went. We make it with just enough light into the valley, shot some photos and then just hung out while we finally started to nibble on some food. Ceejay’s shoe breaks, just in time since, we met a very nice group of ladies who just so happen to have duct tape in their car. Mental note it’s always good thing to have duct tape in your car. 

Emma and I skate around for a little bit while he fixes his shoe then we move onto our next spot within the park only to end at the famous El Capitan for sunset. 

It’s nice this crew really just goes with the flow and doesn’t rush much which really allows you to be present within the moment and enjoy your surroundings. We spent a few hours shooting there, Andrew was really excited about getting a bronco shot with El Capitan in the background. But if you’ve been to Yosemite you know the road he’s talking about isn’t always the easiest one to shoot on. It’s busy there’s a lot of back-and-forth traffic so he ends up driving the bronco up and down the hill a few times in order to get the right shot. 

The car being as ancient as it was makes us a little nervous but we’re hopeful and happy it’s made it this far. 

As the sun begins to set in the colors shift from the beautiful orange and yellow tints to the somber blue hour afterwards. Another successful day! I immediately change into sweats since I know the drive back isn’t the shortest. 

Ceejay and Andrew head back in the bronco while everyone else climbs into Brie‘s vehicle. 

We’re all exhausted end excited to eat since we got up pretty early that morning. 

In the car, I’m having a hard time keeping my eyes open since it was soothing me to sleep. I was in and out of the daze when I heard Brie say, “I’m going to pull over I haven’t seen the bronco in a minute.”

We are perked up and asked how long it’s been. We’re unsure so we wait on the side of the road as not one, not two, not three, but four other cars passed us. We know for a fact they were a ways behind us because the bronco should’ve been immediately after us. In a pickle, since we have no service and no method of calling the other car and seeing how they are, Brie made a bold decision to just start driving back into the park. Keep in mind we’re still about an hour and a half away from the cabin. 

We start driving back slowly just in case they pass us on the way. All of us started to get super worried the further we went, constantly checking our phones to see if we got service or if any sort of message came through. As we rounded a corner we saw a couple headlights on the side of the road and realized it was them. 

We pulled over to see the bronco on the side of the road with another car full of kind samaritans just behind.

The boys eyes both lit up as they see Brie’s car approaching as Ceejay said, “it’s a good thing you came back.”

To my understanding on the way back the bronco started to leak fluid and when they pulled over they saw a couple different tiny sparks. Obviously, they put it out with the water that they had leaving them none that’s when the other car showed up to try and help them. 

We’re all a little helpless since there’s still no service, an no way to call a tow truck. The other car leaves and said when they have service they would call the sheriff and let them know where we were. Since they had already helped so much we allowed the strangers to leave. Our group was reunited. 

With little options, we decided to cram 6 of us into Brie‘s car drive until we had service, call AAA and see if they could come pick the bronco up. Now keep in mind, the sun had already set, we’re on a highway into a national park with little traffic, it’s about 48 degrees and we have no service. 

In my experience I’ve always found that AAA was super helpful but after this experience the people we talked to that night really did not help my confidence in AAA. 

So we drove about 20 minutes away from the Bronco in order to get the service, Andrew gets AAA on the phone and starts the process of explaining what happened and where we were. The lady on the other end of the phone was making this whole process way more complicated than it had to be. At the same time we were all exhausted after a full day of adventuring so it probably wasn’t the best idea to have the phone on speaker. 

Andrew calmly answered her questions gave them all of his information and when we get to the part where she asks, “now where are you guys or where is the vehicle” we had the most difficult time. She kept asking for a cross roads and cross streets but there was none of that around us since we were on one single road into Yosemite national park. You’d think you could just find the road on maps and follow it along. She kept insisting for other landmarks when we were pretty far away from civilization. So when she starts asking about the model make and color of the car we about lost it since they were no other cars remotely similar to the bronco in the area, let alone no other cars passing us at that time. Andrew calmly says to everyone in the car, "be nice she is our only lifeline here.” We finally ask can we give them GPS coordinates and she somehow dances around that question. Finally the manager hops on the phone who explains there were no drivers on call that night, something she could’ve told us in the beginning. He then proceeds to call the sheriff within the park and transfers us. I guess the sheriff department was super concerned because the original car that stopped to help the boys called in that the car was on fire. Suddenly everyone’s concern shifted from us and getting the vehicle out to whether or not the fire was out, when in reality the car was never on fire in the first place.

Anyways the sheriffs proceeds to tell us that there is a fire truck on its way to the bronco. We explained that the car is no was not on fire so the sheriff says he will cancel the fire truck and make his way to meet us. Once the phone call ends we hastily drive back another 20 minutes to the bronco.

The fire truck shows up and quickly turns back around since they are no longer needed. The sheriff arrives an inspects the vehicle to make sure all the sparks were out in the brush was ok. He was very kind sherif who I wish we spoke to from the beginning. It’s now 10:30 at night he explains that we can leave the vehicle on the side of the road as long as we come get it in the morning since the park itself also did not have a tow truck on call that night. 

Some things to keep in mind if this ever happens to you, one make sure you have a way to contact the other vehicle whether it’s walkie-talkies or stopping periodically, two if you’re ever in a pickle in a national park called the sheriff instead he is way more helpful and has has all the correct answers and three make sure you have some extra snacks or an extra jug of water in your car when you go on these adventures. 

We get to the cabin around midnight only to start the journey of retrieving the car in the morning. Luckily I’m thankful no one got hurt and we all made it back safe and sound.