Road trip day 11-12

Day 11: After having a disappointing pizza the previous night, our breakfast this morning made up for it. We stopped at this one man stop shop called Shoestring Cafe. He made all of our breakfast is by himself and even recommended some cool spots to us. We bonded with him over the fact that we were all from Southern California. I love finding people who are familiar with your hometown while on the road, it’s just another way that brings us all together. After what felt like a delicious home-cooked meal, we walked off our food on a nearby beach. Now I've been to my fair share of beaches, the only difference is beaches down south are perfect for activities and sunshine. Well northern beaches are good for bundled strolls and adventures, since it's pretty rocky and cold. We also learned a new term called a rogue wave, which is a wave that basically has a mind of its own and contains logs. It makes sense because there's so many trees in Driftwood always wondered how or where they went. But thinking about swimming in an ocean filled with giant logs that could take you out any second doesn't sound too inviting.

We stopped at a few incredible spots this day. The second was the cove that just kept getting better and better. As you walked down the trail it looked as if you were in Thailand or some Asian Island. The combination of the rock islands, the fog, and the waterfall leading to the ocean all need this place is so beautiful. I’m not sure these pictures do it justice.

The next spot we went to was somewhere I always wanted to go to because I always see it on Instagram. So I'm happy we all wanted to stop here. At first we were a little frustrated since the fog has rolled in but by the time we were leaving we got to admire the sun shining on the cliffs. I'm definitely going to have to make my way back here at some point, I mean it truly felt like it was straight from the fairytale.

After spending quite a bit of time here we stopped by some of the prettiest redwood trees I've seen. Add this point we were just trying to make it to a town to spend one more night in. We took the scenic route through the woods which I won't lie it was absolutely amazing. After being on the road for so long and seeing lots of freeways, cars, and signs, it was nice to get off of the beaten trail. We made it to Brookings and grabbed a beer before settling in for the night.

Day 12: our last day driving down the coast at one point we cut inland to the 101 to try and make up some time. Along the way we stopped by a tree you could drive through. After five hours we made it to Petaluma to grab a beer at the infamous brewery Lagunitas. This is the area I went to college in so I was very familiar with what to do and where to go. At this point we did part ways with one of the Emma's. The other Emma and I ended up meeting up with one of my old roommate from college who let us stay at their house. It's always so much fun to catch up with old friends especially if you haven't seen them in a minute. After that we made our way home which concludes this amazing road trip.
