Road trip day 8-10

Day 8: Since we did a strenuous hike the day before we kind of had a leisurely morning. We got up slowly made some breakfast and coffee and just kind of chilled out. The girls did a little stroll through the campgrounds while Ceejay went to find service and Brandon edited. When we came back Ceejay said his girlfriend was sick and had to leave that day. We decided to get one more little group hike in before he took off to the airport. Here are some images from our cute little walk to another waterfall. I really liked this waterfall mainly because you could actually get super close to it. We took some cool pictures but this time we had kind of an audience of adults watching us. They were nervous because we were getting so close to the waterfall but yet we were still very safe.

Once we said goodbye to Ceejay we headed to the coast. We wanted to make it to this one spot however, it's on a reservation and due to Covid they were only letting people who lived there in. It wasn't that much of a bummer since we had a really pretty drive out there, we stopped and explored some of the beaches and enjoyed the Canadian mountain range in the distance. At this point in time our trip itinerary was kind of up in the air. After exploring the coast line for a little bit we drove back to our campsite for some dinner and s'mores.

Day 9: Woke up and made breakfast and coffee per usual. These trips really enhance your caffeine addiction let's just say that. Since our plans were up in the air and the weather was finally fitting the area. I feel like we got lucky the whole trip since we had mostly sunny days and this was one of the two days that it had rained. There was talk of hiking to a beach campsite but since the weather wasn't in our favor we decided to split up again. Brie and Brandon went off to camp while the two Emmas and I started to slowly make our way home. This part of the trip is mostly enjoying the views out the window as we made our way down the coast. We made it to Seaside and stayed in this really cute motel that night. While we were at dinner we decided it would be fun to go get some drinks somewhere so we ended up finding this really interesting dive bar.

Day 10: I'm sure you can guess what we did first thing in the morning, we went and got a coffee. Our group at one point had 6 to 7 people and now we were down to just us three girls, so that meant a little more of a leisurely drive. We took her coffee and walked over to Cannon Beach. This is probably one of my favorite beaches up north since it's so unique. Peep my comfy fit lol Iā€™m not always that stylish.

Emma Merritt acted as our tour guide from here on out since she has done the drive down the coast before. We stopped at this super cool cliffside view, which literally looked like we were in another country. Once we enjoy the views and took some pictures of each other we continued our drive down. Now if you're a big fan of cheese, and ice cream then you've probably heard of the company Tillamook. Well it just so happened that we were on route to pass the Tillamook factory, so of course we decided to stop and enjoy some grilled cheeses and ice cream. I have to say that was probably the best grilled cheese ever. If you get a chance to stop here I recommend checking it out, I guess when Covid isn't happening they also hand out cheese samples.

After some yummy food we continued to make our way down the coast stopping at another incredible spot that I would never have found by myself. I have to say the northern coast line is truly unique, every spot we went to looks straight out of a story or movie.