
Mother Nature


We all remember that unforgettable day when we entered womanhood. Mine just so happened to be on a warm sunny day in middle school. Now if we all recall middle school was a very awkward time in our lives, especially for me. I was friends with an odd mix of personalities, we were all so different from one another. But at the time, we were so into anime and learning Japanese. Feels like I was a whole different person back then. But I remember distinctly that day was definitely a challenge. Luckily it was on a day I did not have PE or any physical education or else my story would’ve ended way worse. Props to all the ladies who had embarrassing or traumatic first experiences. 

It was the end of the day when I was hopping onto the school bus which I hated taking. The bus was such an interesting environment, if you sat too close you were a nerd, if you sat in the back you were “too cool for school,” so I always sat in the middle. Safe bet right. Luckily, I was also wearing darker shorts that day and one of my favorite tops. I recall the whole ride home being so excruciatingly painful I couldn’t figure out if I was just starving or if something was internally wrong with me. I knew I ate that day so it wasn’t likely that I was hungry. Every time the bus stopped it felt like an eternity. Now I’m sure all my ladies understand the first time you experience menstrual cramps can be quite an experience. I was sitting there alone trying to massage my stomach, an poke at it, you know without being too noticeable. I didn’t want anyone to know I was in that much pain especially since I was only about 10 minutes from my house. Not to be overdramatic but the first time you have cramps you really feel like your dying or need hospitalization. 


Of course the bus always took the weirdest path to drop every kid off. When I finally got to the top of my street I bolted for the doors. Luckily I only had a short walk down this very steep hill in order to get to my house. While I was walking I noticed a dripping feeling and thought oh that’s odd. I immediately went to the bathroom when I got home not knowing what was wrong with me. When I pulled my pants down and saw the bright crimson red on my underwear it all made sense. I did what any middle school girl did at the time and yelled to my mom for help. Obviously we had all watched that video in middle school about getting your period but no one knows what to do that second. I really sure what I would've done if my mom wasn’t home.


When I told her I was bleeding she wasn’t worried she more just congratulated me which kind of confused me even more. I knew what a period was an how it was a big deal I just didn’t expect praise. She handed me a pad and explained how to use it.  

When I emerged from the bathroom I went to lie down in my room. My mom brought me some chocolate which instantly made me feel better. 

Those cramps were definitely pretty painful ones and from then on all my periods were so extremely painful I’d throw up from some of them sometimes. 

Those experiences lead need to get on birth control at a pretty young age in order to help manage my symptoms and keep me in school. 

Fast forward to my 25-year-old self, now I have pretty manageable periods. And I have even done many of my photoshoots while on my period. Other than my subtle mood swings I don’t think anyone really notices. I just make sure on those days I don’t wear white.   

#ItsNormalPeriod @Plan_USA